Tuesday 19 October 2010

We've gone Nuts!

On Friday we discovered a heap of ripe walnuts! Our first nut harvest here...


  1. That's wonderful - what did they taste like? Did you grow them on purpose or just come across them?

  2. We never had any in Wales, but there are numerous trees along the hedgerows here. We walk the dogs & come home with pocketsful--- daily at the moment!
    Love the blog!

  3. Melt 3 oz of sugar in a heavy bottomed pan. Add 3oz walnut pieces & pour onto parchment. Spread quickly before it hardens. Leave to cool in a fridge. Serve with blue cheese. It's dead yummy--& looks cool if you're serving a cheese course!

  4. are you still looking at them or did you eat them??? I think I remember a Walnut tree at the Gatten when I lived up there in the old days.....bye for now, Sue (guess which one!)
